Synced Solutions: A Hart Blog

Safeguarding Health: The Top 5 Reasons to Prioritize a Data Backup

Written by Hart, Inc. | May 8, 2024 2:51:53 AM

In healthcare, where patient safety is of utmost importance and the stakes are high, the significance of data cannot be emphasized enough. According to a survey by HIPAA Journal in September 2023, over 78% of healthcare organizations have encountered at least one cybersecurity incident in the last year. Additionally, 26% of healthcare facilities in the same survey admitted to paying ransom to prevent the release of stolen data or decrypt encrypted files. It is crucial to underscore the significance of safeguarding this invaluable resource.

Top 5 Reasons to Backup Your Healthcare Facility Data Today


Take Action Today

Ensuring healthcare data is backed up goes beyond just being careful—it's crucial for protecting patients, following regulations, and making sure healthcare runs smoothly. At Hart, we know how important data is in healthcare, and we're here to help healthcare facilities keep their data safe and compatible. Let's work together to make healthcare safer and healthier for everyone.